What is the Silktide Index?

The Index is the league table showing how organizations in various industries compare for web accessibility.

The Index includes worldwide public and private sector websites.

It uses Silktide’s automated web accessibility testing software to test and score websites against the latest version of WCAG – the globally-recognized standard for web accessibility.

Silktide’s mission is to make the web a better place for everyone.

Why did Silktide create the Index?

We launched in February 2020 with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of web accessibility.

Making your website accessible to as many people as possible makes sense for your organization.

With more users able to access information, you’ll see the following benefits:

  • A wider user base
  • A better user experience for everyone
  • Fewer support calls by allowing easy access to information
  • More revenue
  • Better SEO

What are your obligations to web accessibility?

If you’re in the public sector, you may be required to meet certain legislation, including:

If your business is in the USA, then you should comply with the ADA whether you are in the public or private sector.

EU legislation will soon cover private sector accessibility.

How do I contact Silktide?

Speak to us on our Live Chat widget or fill in the form on our Contact page if you;

  • have any questions about the Index
  • wish to add your website to an existing category
  • wish to suggest a new category
  • are a member of the Press and would like access to Index data

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